
Papers in peer-reviewed journals

  • Slavich, B., Opazo, P., and Capdevila, I., (2025) Hungry Minds: Provoking and sustaining curiosity in organizations. Academy of Management Discoveries (forthcoming)
  • Capdevila, I., and Mérindol V., (2024) The emergence of communities through interdependent dynamics of physical, cognitive and virtual contexts: the case of collaborative spaces. R&D Management 54(2), 243-260 DOI:10.1111/radm.12561
  • Mariotti, I., Capdevila, I. and Lange, B., (2023). Flexible geographies of new working spaces. European Planning Studies, 31(3), 433-444. DOI: 10.1080/09654313.2023.2179232
  • Sánchez-Vergara, J I., Orel, M., Capdevila, I., (2023) “Home Office is The Here and Now” Digital Nomad Visa Systems and Remote Work-Focused Leisure Policies, World Leisure Journal 65(2), 236-255  DOI: 10.1080/16078055.2023.216514
  • Garnier, C., and Capdevila, I., (2023) Making, hacking, coding. FabLabs as intermediary platforms for modes of social manufacturing, Journal of Innovation Economics & Management , 40, 137-158.
  • Capdevila I., Opazo P., Slavich B. (2022) The role of materiality in the evaluation of novel ideas: Evidence from gastronomy and performing arts, Cattani, G., Deichmann, D. and Ferriani, S. (Ed.) The Generation, Recognition and Legitimation of Novelty (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 77), Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 313-335.
  • Mérindol V., Aubouin N., Capdevila I., (2021) Combiner confiance résiliente et réflexive, hiérarchie formelle et prix au sein des communautés : le cas des open labs, Management International, 25 (hors-série), 184-205
  • Boutillier, S., Capdevila, I., Dupont, L., & Morel, L., 2020, Collaborative Spaces Promoting Creativity and Innovation, Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, 31(1), 1–9
  • Boutillier, S., Capdevila, I., Dupont, L., & Morel, L., 2020, Espaces et nouvelles formes d’organisation du travail créatif, Innovations, 61(1), 5–13
  • Capdevila, I., 2019, Joining a collaborative space: is it really a better place to work?, Journal of Business Strategy 40(2), 14-21
  • Aubouin, N., & Capdevila, I,, 2018, La gestion des communautés de connaissances au sein des espaces de créativité et innovation : une variété de logiques de collaboration, Innovations 58(1), 105-134
  • Mérindol, V.,  Gallié E.-P., & Capdevila, I., 2018, Technology-transfer offices and academic open labs as different types of organizational intermediaries in science-society relationships, Gestion 2000  35(2), 125-144
  • Zarlenga M.I.  and Capdevila, I., 2018, Les multiples échelles et dynamiques urbaines de créativité et d’innovation. La double réalité créatrice du quartier du Poblenou à Barcelone, Géographie Économie Société  20(1), 89-111
  • Capdevila, I., Cohendet, P., & Simon, L., 2018, From a Local Community to a Global Influence. How elBulli Restaurant Created a New Epistemic Movement in the World of Haute Cuisine, Industry and Innovation, 25(5), 526-549 
  • Capdevila, I., 2018, Knowing communities and the innovative capacity of cities, City, Culture and Society, 13, 8-12
  • Capdevila, I., 2017, The local and global knowledge dynamics through communities. The case of communities of makers and social entrepreneurs in Barcelona, Management International 21(3). 57-68
  • Capdevila, I., 2016, Une typologie d’espaces ouverts d’innovation basée sur les différents modes d’innovation et motivations à la participation, Gestion 2000 33 (4), 93-116
  • Capdevila, I., 2015, Les différentes approches entrepreneuriales dans les espaces ouverts d’innovation, Innovations 48 (3), 87-105
  • Capdevila, I. and Zarlenga M.I., 2015. Smart City or smart citizens? The Barcelona case. Journal of Strategy and Management 8(3), 266-282
  • Capdevila, I., Cohendet, P., & Simon, L., 2015. Establishing New Codes for Creativity through Haute Cuisine: The Case of Ferran Adrià and elBulli.Technology Innovation Management Review, 5(7), 25-33.
  • Capdevila, I., 2015. Co-Working Spaces and the Localised Dynamics of Innovation in Barcelona. International Journal of Innovation Management, 19(3).
  • Cohendet, P., Grandadam, D., Simon, L., & Capdevila, I., 2014. Epistemic communities, localization and the dynamics of knowledge creation. Journal of Economic Geography, 14(5), 929-954.
  • Capdevila, I. et al., 2013. La capacité créative et innovante des villes. Économie et management, 148 (juin 2013), pp.29–35.
  • Dumitriu, C. & Capdevila, I., 2012. L’entreprise multinationale à la croisée de la mondialisation et du management interculturel: comment relever le défi posé par la distance linguistique? Management & Avenir, 5(55), pp.103–124.

Book chapters

  • Romeo, C., Capdevila, I., Da Roit, B., Busacca, M., (2024). Nuances of working together: the influence of managerial approaches on collaboration within coworking spaces. In:  Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay,Gerhard Krauss (eds.) ‘The Coworking (R)evolution. Working and Living in New Territories.’ Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
  • Capdevila, I., (2022). Building communities in rural coworking spaces. In V. Merindol and D. W. Versailles (eds.) ‘Open labs and innovation management. The dynamics of communities and ecosystems’. London: Routledge
  • Mariotti, I., Di Marino, M., Akhavan, M., Capdevila, I. (2022). The Effects of COVID-19 on Coworking Spaces. In: Zimmermann, K.F. (eds) Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics. Springer, Cham.
  • Capdevila, I., 2021. Spatial processes of translation: how coworking diffused from urban to rural environments. The case of Cowocat in Catalonia, Spain. In Hracs, B. J., T. Brydges, T. Haisch, A. Hauge, J. Jansson and J. Sjöholm (eds.) ‘Culture, Creativity and Economy: Collaborative practices, value creation and spaces of creativity.’ London, Routledge.
  • Capdevila, I., 2017. A typology of localized spaces of collaborative innovation. In Maarten van Ham, Darja Reuschke, Reinout Kleinhans, Stephen Syrett and Colin Mason (eds.) Entrepreneurial neighbourhoods – towards an understanding of the economies of neighbourhoods and communities. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishers (link)
  • Capdevila, I., 2016. Entrepreneur et maker. In D. Uzinidis and A. Tiran, eds. Dictionnaire économique de l’entrepreneur (pp. 238-241). Paris: Classiques Garnier
  • Capdevila, I., 2016. Les ancrages locaux et les dynamiques globales des communautés de connaissance. In J.P. Dupuis, J.-P. Lemaire et E.Milliot (eds). Ancrages culturels dans un monde en mutation. Paris: Editions Vuibert
  • Capdevila, I., & Mérindol, V. (2016). Les open labs de la recherche et de l’enseignement supérieur. In Le Livre blanc des Open Labs: Quelles pratiques ? Quels changements en France ? (pp. 175–217). Paris: PBS Paris Business School / ANRT.
  • Capdevila, I., & Versailles, D. W. (2016). Les open labs indépendants, entrepreneuriaux et communautaires. In Le Livre blanc des Open Labs: Quelles pratiques ? Quels changements en France ? (pp. 219–249). Paris: PBS Paris Business School / ANRT.

Case Studies

  • Laborde, C. & Capdevila, I. “Megalabs: Breaking Barriers – The Journey of Implementing Remote Work in Organizations”, The Case Centre (ref no. 424-0041-1)
  • Capdevila, I. & Planellas, M. “elBulli Foundation (2011-2022)”, The Case Centre (ref no. 322-0199-1)
  • Capdevila, I., “Wheeliz: A start-up for the mobility of people in wheelchairs.” (2016, update 2018), CCMP. English and French versions

Conference proceedings

  • Slavich B., Opazo P. and Capdevila I., 2020.”How Creative Organizations Develop Systematic Ways to Recognize and Select Novel Ideas”. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings
  • Capdevila, I., 2015. “How can city labs enhance the citizens’ motivation in different types of innovation activities?”. in  L.M. Aiello and D. McFarland (Eds.): SocInfo 2014 Workshops, LNCS 8852, pp. 64–71, 2015. Springer

Other publications

  • Jun 2023 Tomaz. E., Capdevila, I. “Collaborative Workspaces: Shaping the Future of Work, Innovation, and Sustainable Development. Interview to Ignasi Capdevila”, CIDADES, Comunidades e Territórios, 46 (Jun/2023)
  • Jan 2013 Research project report « Recommandations pour un Hub de créativité au sein du Quartier de l’innovation: Un catalyseur de créativité pour Montréal » (main author, coordinator and editor). Available at:
  • Nov 2012 Final report of the Montreal Summit on Innovation 2nd Ed. on Innovative Districts (ÉTS & McGill University) (only author). Available at: (in English) and (in French)
  • Sep 2012 « Conceptualisation d’un Hub de Créativité au Planétarium Dow ». Final report 2012 of the Summer School on Management of Creativity in an Innovation Society Montreal-Barcelona (co-author, coordinator and editor). Available at:
  • Sep 2011 « 22@Barcelona: leçons pour le Quartier de l’Innovation de Montréal ». Final report 2011 of the Summer School on Management of Creativity in an Innovation Society Montreal- Barcelona (co-author). Available at: