Tag Archives: Comprehensive Exam

Comprehensive Exam – PhD HEC Montréal

1 Amabile, T. M. (1998). “How to kill creativity.” Harvard business review 76(5): 76-87. ARTICLE
2 Andriopoulos, C. and M. W. Lewis (2009). “Exploitation-exploration tensions and organizational ambidexterity: Managing paradoxes of innovation.” Organization science 20(4): 696-717. ARTICLE
3 Arthur, W. B. (2007). “The structure of invention.” Research policy 36(2): 274-287. ARTICLE
4 Bathelt, H., A. Malmberg, et al. (2004). “Clusters and knowledge: local buzz, global pipelines and the process of knowledge creation.” Progress in Human geography 28(1): 31. ARTICLE
5 Bergson, H. (1908). L’évolution créatrice, F. Alcan. BOOK
6 Chesbrough, H. (2011). Open services innovation: Rethinking your business to grow and compete in a new era, Jossey-Bass. BOOK
7 Chiapello, E. (1997). “Les organisations et le travail artistiques sont-ils contrôlables?” Réseaux 15(86): 77-113. ARTICLE
8 Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1991). Flow: The psychology of optimal experience: Steps toward enhancing the quality of life, Harper Collins Publishers. BOOK
9 DeFillippi, R. and M. Arthur “Paradox in Project-Based Enterprise: The Case of Film-Making.” California Management Review 40: 125-139. ARTICLE
10 Eikhof, D. R. and A. Haunschild (2007). “For art’s sake! Artistic and economic logics in creative production.” Journal of Organizational Behavior 28(5): 523-538. ARTICLE
11 Engwall, M. (2003). “No project is an island: linking projects to history and context.” Research policy 32(5): 789-808. ARTICLE
12 Grabher, G. (2002). “The project ecology of advertising: tasks, talents and teams.” Regional studies 36(3): 245-262. ARTICLE
13 Grabher, G. (2001) “Ecologies of creativity: the Village, the Group, and the heterarchic organisation of the British advertising industry” Environment and Planning A 33(2) 351 – 374 ARTICLE
14 Granovetter, M. S. (1973). “The strength of weak ties.” American journal of sociology: 1360-1380. ARTICLE
15 Grant, R. M. (1996). “Toward a knowledge-based theory of the firm.” Strategic management journal 17: 109-122. ARTICLE
16 Gupta, A. K., P. E. Tesluk, et al. (2007). “Innovation at and across multiple levels of analysis.” Organization science 18(6): 885. ARTICLE
17 Hargadon, A. B. and B. A. Bechky (2006). “When collections of creatives become creative collectives: A field study of problem solving at work.” Organization science 17(4): 484. ARTICLE
18 Hatchuel, A. and Weil, B. (2002) “La théorie CK: fondements et usages d’une théorie unifiée de la conception” Colloque « Sciences de la conception » (Lyon 15-16 mars 2002) ARTICLE
19 Heilman, K. M., S. E. Nadeau, et al. (2003). “Creative innovation: possible brain mechanisms.” Neurocase 9(5): 369-379. ARTICLE
20 Jensen, M. B., B. Johnson, et al. (2007). “Forms of knowledge and modes of innovation.” Research policy 36(5): 680-693. ARTICLE
21 Kline, S. J. and N. Rosenberg (1986). “An overview of innovation.” The positive sum strategy: Harnessing technology for economic growth 275: 305. ARTICLE
22 Kogut, B. and U. Zander (1992). “Knowledge of the firm, combinative capabilities, and the replication of technology.” Organization science: 383-397. ARTICLE
23 Latour, B. (1998). “From the world of science to the world of research?” Science 280(5361): 208. ARTICLE
24 Lessig, L. (2005). Free culture: The nature and future of creativity, Penguin Group USA. BOOK
25 Lundvall, B. Å., B. Johnson, et al. (2002). “National systems of production, innovation and competence building.” Research policy 31(2): 213-231. ARTICLE
26 March, J. G. (1991). “Exploration and exploitation in organizational learning.” Organization science: 71-87. ARTICLE
27 Menger, P. M. (2003). Portrait de l’artiste en travailleur: métamorphoses du capitalisme, Seuil. BOOK
28 Nonaka, I. and H. Takeuchi (1995). The knowledge-creating company: How Japanese companies create the dynamics of innovation, Oxford University Press, USA. BOOK
29 Santamaría, L., M. J. Nieto, et al. (2009). “Beyond formal R&D: Taking advantage of other sources of innovation in low-and medium-technology industries.” Research policy 38(3): 507-517. ARTICLE
30 Simon, L. (2006). “Managing creative projects: An empirical synthesis of activities.” International Journal of Project Management 24(2): 116-126. ARTICLE
31 Tschang, F. T. (2007). “Balancing the tensions between rationalization and creativity in the video games industry.” Organization science 18(6): 989. ARTICLE
32 Von Hippel, E. (2005). Democratizing innovation, The MIT Press. BOOK
33 Woodman, R. W., J. E. Sawyer, et al. (1993). “Toward a theory of organizational creativity.” Academy of management review: 293-321. ARTICLE
34 Banks, M., A. Lovatt, et al. (2000). “Risk and trust in the cultural industries.” Geoforum 31(4): 453-464. ARTICLE
35 Bieri, D. (2010). “Booming Bohemia? Evidence from the US High-Technology Industry.” Industry & Innovation 17(1): 23-48. ARTICLE
36 Boggs, J. S. and N. M. Rantisi (2003). “The’relational turn’ in economic geography.” Journal of Economic Geography 3(2): 109-116. ARTICLE
37 Caves, R. E. (2000). Creative industries: Contracts between art and commerce, Harvard Univ Pr. BOOK
38 Chapain, C. and P. Lee (2009). “Can we plan the creative knowledge city? Perspectives from western and eastern Europe.” Built Environment 35(2): 157-164. ARTICLE
39 Cohendet, P. and L. Simon (2007). “Playing across the playground: paradoxes of knowledge creation in the videogame firm.” Journal of Organizational Behavior 28(5): 587-605. ARTICLE
40 Cohendet, P., D. Grandadam, et al. (2010). “The Anatomy of the Creative City.” Industry & Innovation 17(1): 91-111. ARTICLE
41 Cooke, P. (2008). “Culture, clusters, districts and quarters: some reflections on the scale question.” Creative cities, cultural clusters and local economic development: 25-47. ARTICLE
42 Cunningham, S. D. (2002). “From cultural to creative industries: theory, industry, and policy implications.” Media International Australia Incorporating Culture and Policy: Quarterly Journal of Media Research and Resources(102): 54-65. ARTICLE
43 Dicken, P., P. F. Kelly, et al. (2001). “Chains and networks, territories and scales: towards a relational framework for analysing the global economy.” Global networks 1(2): 89-112. ARTICLE
44 Feldman, M. P. and D. B. Audretsch (1999). “Innovation in cities::: Science-based diversity, specialization and localized competition.” European Economic Review 43(2): 409-429. ARTICLE
45 Flew, T. and S. Cunningham (2010). “Creative industries after the first decade of debate.” The Information Society 26(2): 113-123. ARTICLE
46 Florida, R. (2002). “Bohemia and economic geography.” Journal of Economic Geography 2(1): 55. ARTICLE
47 Florida, R. (2004). The rise of the creative class, Basic Books New York. BOOK
48 Garnham, N. (2005). “From cultural to creative industries: An analysis of the implications of the ‘creative industries’ approach to arts and media policy making in the United Kingdom.” International Journal of Cultural Policy 11(1): 15-29. ARTICLE
49 Hall, P. (2000). “Creative cities and economic development.” Urban Studies 37(4): 639. ARTICLE
50 Healey, P. (2004). “Creativity and urban governance.” Policy Studies 25(2): 87-102. ARTICLE
51 Howkins, J. (2002). The creative economy: How people make money from ideas, Penguin Global. BOOK
52 Jacobs, J. (1961). The death and life of great American cities, Vintage. BOOK
53 Landry, C. (2008). The creative city: A toolkit for urban innovators, Earthscan/James & James. BOOK
54 Miller, T. (2009). “From creative to cultural industries.” Cultural Studies 23(1): 88-99. ARTICLE
55 Mommaas, H. (2004). “Cultural clusters and the post-industrial city: towards the remapping of urban cultural policy.” Urban Studies 41(3): 507. ARTICLE
56 Porter, M. E. (2000). “Location, competition, and economic development: Local clusters in a global economy.” Economic development quarterly 14(1): 15. ARTICLE
57 Potts, J., S. Cunningham, et al. (2008). “Social network markets: A new definition of the creative industries.” Journal of Cultural Economics 32(3): 167-185. ARTICLE
58 Pratt, A. C. (2004). “The cultural economy.” International journal of cultural studies 7(1): 117. ARTICLE
59 Pratt, A. C. (2008). “Creative cities: the cultural industries and the creative class.” Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 90(2): 107-117. ARTICLE
60 Putnam, R. D. (1993). “The prosperous community: social capital and public life.” The American Prospect 13(4): 35-42. ARTICLE
61 Rantisi, N. M., D. Leslie, et al. (2006). “Placing the creative economy: scale, politics, and the material.” Environment and planning A 38(10): 1789-1797. ARTICLE
62 Santagata, W. (2002). “Cultural districts, property rights and sustainable economic growth.” International journal of urban and regional research 26(1): 9-23. ARTICLE
63 Saxenian, A. L. (1996). Regional advantage: Culture and competition in Silicon Valley and Route 128, Harvard Univ Pr. BOOK
64 Scott, A. J. (1997). “The cultural economy of cities.” International journal of urban and regional research 21(2): 323-339. ARTICLE
65 Scott, A. J. (2006). “Creative cities: conceptual issues and policy questions.” Journal of urban affairs 28(1). ARTICLE
66 Smith, R. and K. Warfield (2008). “The creative city: a matter of values.” Creative cities, cultural clusters and local economic development: 287. ARTICLE
67 Storper, M. and A. J. Venables (2004). “Buzz: face-to-face contact and the urban economy.” Journal of Economic Geography 4(4): 351. ARTICLE
68 Zukin, S. (1987). “Gentrification: culture and capital in the urban core.” Annual Review of Sociology: 129-147. ARTICLE
69 Ackoff, Russel L. ; A concept of Corporate Planning; Wiley, New York, 1970 BOOK
70 Allison, Graham T.; The Essence of Decision; Little, Brown, Boston, 1971 BOOK
71 Andrews, Kenneth J.; The Concept of Corporate Strategy; Irwin, 1971 BOOK
72 Ansoff, H. Igor; Corporate Strategy; McGraw Hill, New York, 1965 BOOK
73 Barnard, Chester; Functions of the Executive (The); Harvard University Press, Boston, 1938 BOOK
74 Bower, Joseph; Managing the Resource Allocation Process: A Study of Corporate; Planning and Investment; Irwin, Homewood, Illinois, 1972 BOOK
75 Braybrooke, David and Charles Lindblom; A Strategy of Decision : Policy Evaluation as a Social Process; The Free Press, Macmillan, New York, 1963 BOOK
76 Castells, M. (2002). “Local and global: cities in the network society.” Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 93(5): 548-558. ARTICLE
77 Chandler, Alfred D.; Strategy and Structure: Chapters in the History of the Industrial Enterprises; The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1962 BOOK
78 Crozier, Michel; Le phénomène bureaucratique; Éditions d’organization, 1964 BOOK
79 Cyert, Robert M. and James G. March A Behavioral Theory of the Firm; Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1963 BOOK
80 Drucker, Peter F.; The Practice of Management; Harper and Brothers, New York, 1993 BOOK
81 Eisenhardt, K. M. (1989). “Building theories from case study research.” Academy of management review: 532-550. ARTICLE
82 Fayol, Henri; Administration Industrielle et Générale; Paris, 1916 BOOK
83 Hamel, G. and Bree, B. (2007). “The future of management.” Harvard Business School Publishing. BOOK
84 Homans, Georges C.; The Human Group; Harcourt, Brace & World, New York, 1950 BOOK
85 Langley, A. (1999). “Strategies for theorizing from process data.” Academy of management review: 691-710. ARTICLE
86 Mintzberg, H. (2009). “Rebuilding companies as communities.” Harvard business review 87(7/8): 140–143. ARTICLE
87 Roethlisberger, Fritz J.; The Elusive phenomena; Division of Research, Harvard University Press, Cambridge MA,; 1977 BOOK
88 Selznick, Philip; Leadership in Administration; Harper and Row, New York, 1957 BOOK
89 Simon, Herbert T.; Administrative Behavior; The Free Press, New York, 1945 BOOK
90 Thompson, James D. Organization in Action: Social Science; Bases of Administrative Theory, Transaction Publishers, 2003 BOOK
91 Williamson, O. E. (2000). “The new institutional economics: taking stock, looking ahead.” Journal of economic literature 38(3): 595-613. ARTICLE