Fer trampes cada cop és més difícil. A algú se li va ocórrer que fer servir twitter amb un usuari atractiu (com aralearn_spanish) podia servir per fer ús promocional de marques, i està bé, però creuar la frontera i passar a spamejar és fàcil i a vegades quedes retratat. A Facebook simplement eliminen el teu perfil (ho sé per experiència) però a Twitter deixen la marca del delicte.
Rocket Spanish és un dels líders de software d’idiomes. Era ‘follower’ de més de 600 persones i només el seguien 14.

Definició de ‘spam’ a Twittter (segons Twitter):
What is Spam on Twitter?
Commercial or promotional use of Twitter is allowed. There are many companies who create valuable, opt-in relationships with users on Twitter who want to keep up to date with them. However, if you are following other accounts in order to gain attention to your account or links therein, you may be considered spam. If you are creating a series of accounts in order to promote the same thing, you may be considered spam. If you are sending large numbers of @reply messages that are not genuine replies, you may be considered spam. If you are creating updates in order to show up in search results, you may be considered spam. If you are disguising links (i.e., writing about one thing but linking to another), you may be considered spam. If a large number of users have blocked you (relative to those following you), you may be considered spam.