Tag Archives: Chris Anderson

Ambigüedades lingüísticas

Chris Anderson ha evolucionado su análisis de la ‘nueva’ economía (si es que existe), después de la ‘long tail economy’ y ahora el ‘free economy’.
En su blog, comenta la confusión de la palabra ‘free’ en inglés, cuya ambigüedad no existe en español, al distinguir ‘gratis’ de ‘libre’.

Las ambigüedades lingüísticas las aprovecha el marketing. En español, recuerdo (últimamente ya no, debe estar regulado) lo equívoco del sufijo ECO. Un ECO-detergente es ecológico o económico?

Y hablando de confundir al cliente, creo que se debería regular el uso de la palabra ‘light’ o el hecho de remarcar que tiene 0% de grasa pero sin subrayar que tiene 20% de azúcares. Caso típico en yogures de “dieta” como en cereales (p.e. Kellogg’s K y similares).

The Long Tail – Chris Anderson – 2006

Long Tail I’ve talked quite a lot about the Long Tail economy while explaining our Linkua‘s business plan.

I’ve been reading the famous book, even though it dates from 2006 , it’s already a classic in the internet literature.

Let me focus on the book’s last chapter. Anderson tries to summarize the rules of the long tail economy.

According to Anderson, the secret of a long tail business is:

1.- Make everything available: OK. That’ s what we do at Linkua, we make all languages available. Any language can be taught/learned at Linkua. With just one teacher, we can offer a language course to many students.

2.- Help me find it: At Linkua, with just a click you have all the tutoring offer of a specified language.

Linkua allows recommendations, ordering the searches, teachers’ rating,..

Long tail business rules:

#1. Move inventory way in … or way out: no problem, at Linkua talk about services, no stocks!

#2. Let customers do the work

#3. One distribution method doesn’t fit all (Think niche): this gives me ideas to develop at Linkua, not only one-to-one online classes, but also include learning contents, contacts of local schools….

#4. One product doesn’t fit all.

#5. One price doesn’t fit all: agree! At Linkua we have classes from 3$ to 30$.

#6. Share information: That’s what we try publishing students’ comments, etc. Work to do tough, like creating forums, blog, etc. Anderson’s right: “transparency can build trust at no cost”

#7. Think “and”, not “or”:

#8. Trust the market to do your job. Don’t predict: measure and respond. That’s what we did with Linkua. We launch it and we are reacting according to the users.

#9. Trust the market of free: YEs! About this we are preparing something really innovative to allow students to try out the teachers for free.