Tag Archives: ideo

Conference by Jonathan Wareham at ESADE


Conference about New Trends in Technology and Innovation

Conference slides: here

Jonathan Wareham, professor at ESADE, did today a presentation about Play, Design and Services at ESADE Forum.

While studying the ESADE’s EMBA, Jonathan did a course on technology, I remember he talked about CSS and the power of the easy content flow in internet. All the information was available in any format, the information could move freely and with the CSS it was put into different formats and integrated in mashups. I don’t think many people got the message and many collegues found the speech boring o not interesting enough or simply they didn’t understand the application of what was being explained in their current professional lifes.

Today Jonathan talked about the importance of the play in the creativity and innovation.
He mainly based his speech on ideo, the californian company based in Palo Alto, leader in innovatio in product design (but also service design).

I liked the quote of George Bernard Shaw:

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adpat the world to him. Therefore all progress dependson the unreasonable man.”

This sentence remind me of Steve Jobs, and his belief in that him and his team where creating something that would change the world while designing the Macintosh, in the 70’s.

Play & Game

  • More fun
  • Experimental
  • Physiology, dopamine, increased memory

Design thinking, video de ideo.com, abcnews video:

They consider themselves specialists in the process of innovate.

Team-work, interdisciplinary teams, no bosses, work based in having fun
Dont sit at your desk, go out, talk to people, experience, communicate, interchange ideas

Stay focused, don’t be afraid of wild ideas, embrace them.

Ideo’s work process:

• empathy
• game
• Quantity of  ideas
• Wicked problems
• Emotion, experience and feelings, not rationality

3.-Rapid prototype